Free PHP Rating Scripts

Scripts to rate photos, files, articles, books, movies, etc

Free PHP Rating Scripts

Rating scripts, such as the PHP scripts reviewed here, allow your visitors to rate any content displayed on your page. You can use it, for example, to let them rate your photos, articles, DVDs, movies, TV shows, books, videos and just about anything you like. Most of the scripts have some sort of facility to prevent or block visitors trying to vote more than once. They typically do it either by keeping a record of the visitor's IP address or by setting a cookie in the browser, or both. The scripts may or may not allow you to set an expiration time for the prevention of double voting (a useful feature, since many ISPs reuse IP addresses for different people). Some scripts may show a numerical rating, while others show a series of stars, and so on. Most if not all of them allow you to customize the appearance of the script's output.

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Free Photo, Files, Movies, Video, Article (etc) Rating PHP Scripts

RateKit New

RateKit uses a combination of PHP and JavaScript (specifically, the JQuery script) to support star ratings on your site. The ratings are stored in a database created using PHP's built-in support for SQLite. The script allows visitors to click on a tag of your choice (with a CSS class of "rating" and a unique id) to rate whatever it is you want them to rate. It prevents visitors from a particular IP address from voting twice within a configurable set time period.

DRBRatings: Free PHP Rating Script

This is a PHP ratings script that lets your visitors rate content on your website. It prevents visitors from voting twice by checking their IP addresses. The script can be added to any PHP page on your site. It does not require a database.

Micro Rate

This is a basic rating PHP script that allows your visitors to rate anything on your website. It stores all its data in a file and thus does not need you to have database access. It tracks visitors by IP, and only one vote per IP address is allowed.

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