Free Blog PHP Scripts

Free PHP-Based Blogging Software

Free Blogging Software (PHP Scripts)

This page lists free PHP scripts that allow you to create and maintain a blog on your website. Most, if not all, require that you also have access to a MySQL database to store your blog postings and articles. Depending on the software, these blogging scripts typically allow you to control the appearance of your site, post blog articles from a web interface, usually with a WYSIWYG online editor, allow your visitors to post comments, automatically generate RSS newsfeeds, as well as handle pings and trackbacks. Some of the blog software are extensible, allowing you to use third-party plug-ins and templates to extend the facilities available on your blog software.

Note that there is some overlap between the scripts listed on this page and those listed on the Free Content Management Systems (CMS) PHP Scripts. If you can't find what you want here, you might want to take a look at that page as well. I also have a review of a free offline blogging software named Thingablog that you may wish to check out.

If you are new to creating blogs, you may also want to read How to Create a Blog.

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Free Blog PHP Scripts


WordPress is a PHP blogging software that supports themes, has customizable URLs or permalinks, automatically generates RSS newsfeeds, supports trackback and pingback, allows user comments (with the ability to enable or disable comments on a post by post basis), spam protection, user registration, password-protected posts (private posts), support for the XML-RPC interface, multiple authors, bookmarklets, etc. If you are using this blogging software, you may also be interested in my articles on How to Setup a WordPress Blog and How to Secure Your WordPress Blog.

Serendipity - PHP Weblog / Blog Software

This PHP blog script features WYSIWYG and HTML editing, built-in media database, multiple authors and user group system, threaded comments, nested categories and the ability to post to multiple categories, multiple languages, plugin support, spam blocking, one-click upgrading, support for MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL (etc), skinable (with Smarty templates), etc. It is licensed under a BSD licence.

Geeklog - The Ultimate Weblog System

Geeklog is a PHP blogging script that uses MySQL as its backend database. It features a user-system that allows the public to register and submit stories, comments, plugins, themes, site statistics, a calendar system, etc. It is licensed under the GNU GPL.

Bloly Blog Script

Bloly Blog Script allows you to customize the appearance of your blog, specify what HTML tags are allowed in articles and comments, have information pages about every user, include a calendar with active days highlighted, browse archives by month and year, search for articles in the archives, add RSS newsfeeds to your blog, etc. This PHP scripts works with a MySQL database. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License.

LifeType Open Source Blogging Platform

[Update: this software is no longer available.] LifeType is a PHP blogging software that comes with a WYSIWYG editor, a built-in anti-spam filter, support for Trackback pings, multiple blogs, customizable URLs, central pages for communities, subdomain names for users, support for templates (Smarty templates), an integrated media management that allows you to generate thumbnails automatically, mass-upload files, add descriptions for them and browse with a file browser, etc. This software uses a MySQL database. It is distributed under the GNU GPL.

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