Free FAQ / KnowledgeBase PHP Scripts

Free PHP Scripts to manage a Knowledge Base and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Free FAQ / Knowledge Base PHP Scripts

The PHP scripts on this page allow you to easily generate and manage a knowledge base or FAQ database on your site. Most (if not all) of them require you to have some sort of database facility (like MySQL) on your site.

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Free FAQ / Knowledge Base PHP Scripts


FaqForge allows you to create and manage online FAQs, manuals, HOWTO documents and the like. It is released under the GNU General Public License. There is no mention of whether it requires SQL support (whether MySQL or otherwise) or not. This script is no longer under active development.

my Knowledge Base

Create a knowledge base for your site with this PHP script. You need a MySQL database. The knowledge base script comes with an installation script that apparently allows you to install the script without mucking around with the script itself.

The Knowledgebase

You can organise your knowledgebase by topics with this PHP script. Visitors can also browse through the knowledgebase using keywords. This script requires PHP, MySQL and an Apache web server. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License.

FAQEngine: A Tool to Maintain a FAQ Database

[Update: this script is no longer available.] FAQEngine allows you to create categories and subcategories for your FAQ, store the data in a database, email a FAQ entry or FAQ list, post a FAQ list to a newsgroup, attach a file to a FAQ, etc. Users can also add comments to your questions and answers, post questions to the moderators. The script supports the backing up and restoration of data. In addition, you can download the FAQ for offline editing, or enter new FAQs offline, etc. You are not allowed to modify the code.

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