Free Perl Mailing List CGI Scripts

Run mailing lists, newsletters, ezines, discussion lists

Free Perl Mailing List CGI Scripts for Newsletters, Ezines, Discussion Lists

This page lists Perl CGI scripts that allow you to run your own mailing lists and newsletters. In most cases, the scripts will allow your visitors to subscribe and unsubscribe to the list from your website, at the same time allowing you to send messages easily to everyone who is subscribed to the list.

You need CGI access for these scripts. If maintaining the scripts is a hassle, or if you do not have CGI-BIN access, try our Free Mailing List Hosting and Email Newsletter Hosting page instead. Alternatively, if you have PHP support on your web host, you can also try using a PHP newsletter script from the Free PHP Mailing List Scripts page.

You can find some tutorials and tips on running your own newsletters or mailing lists on including the following tutorials:

Update (7 June 2023): none of the scripts previously listed below (and their sites) appear to be available any more. Sorry. I can only list the things that I know about.

Free Mailing Lists / Newsletters / Ezines Perl CGI Scripts

Dada Mail

[Update: this site is no longer available.] Dada Mail is a web-based mailing list management script that supports an unlimited number of mailing lists, archival of list messages, both newsleter-type (announcement) and discussion mailing lists, customization via templates, etc. The HTML created by the script generates a link back to the Dada Mail support site.


[Update: this site does not seem to be available any more.] You get two scripts, one which you use for visitors to subscribe to your lists, and the other for you to administer the list and send mail to the list. It can send via SMTP or sendmail. NoMoDoMo is capable of handling multiple mailing lists.

Subscribe Me Lite

[Update: this site does not seem to be available any more.] Subscribe Me Lite handles a single mailing list, supports mailing of HTML as well as text newsletters, the ability to ban certain email addresses or domains, etc. It however does not allow you to import an existing mailing list into your system, so it's only useful if you're starting a list from scratch.

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