Link to Us

Linking suggestions for

Link to Us

Please feel free to link to in any manner you want. For example, you may link to the (the main page) or any of the subpages on the site. The HTML code for linking to the individual category pages can be found near the bottom of those pages.

If you like, you can copy and paste the HTML code below.

The code above merely says "" (without the quotes). If you feel that this is too mysterious for your liking, feel free to add to it.

If you are not sure how you can insert the code below into your web page, please see my articles:

Remember: you can link to this site any way you like. You do not need to follow the suggestions listed here. They're provided as a convenience, and you can ignore them if you wish. And you don't need to ask me for permission to link to any page on this site.

Using Buttons or Banners

In the early years of the Internet, back when was born, it was the convention for a website to provide some buttons and banners that other webmasters can use to link to them. Nowadays, few sites (if any) do this any more. However, since I already created them in those days, the old buttons and banners are still available for you to use to link to if you want. For your convenience, the cut-and-paste HTML code for them is also provided. Free Programmers' Resources, Free Webmasters' Resources, Free Security Resources, Free Software Free Programmers' Resources, Free Webmasters' Resources, Free Security Resources, Free Software Free Programmers' Resources: free compilers, source code, programming tools, tutorials, etc Free Programmers' Resources, Free Webmasters' Resources, Free Security Resources, Free Software Free Programmers' Resources, Free Webmasters' Resources, Free Security Resources, Free Software Free Programmers' Resources, Free Webmasters' Resources, Free Security Resources, Free Software Free Programmers' Resources, Free Webmasters' Resources, Free Security Resources, Free Software Free Programmers' Resources: free compilers, source code, programming tools, tutorials, etc Free Programmers' Resources: free compilers, source code, programming tools, tutorials, etc

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