Free Web Hosting

Free web hosts for your website

Free Web Hosts

Are you planning to create a website but don't want to spend money on web hosting? Free web hosts are useful if you are making a personal site, or just want to experiment with one (eg, for learning purposes). They may also be useful if you want to create a hobby site.

If you want to set up a blog on free hosting, you have two options: use one of the web hosts below that offer PHP and MySQL, and set up your own blog, or use a Free Blog Host. There are advantages and disadvantages to either option; see Should I Use a Specialized Blog Host or Install My Own Blog Software? for more information.

Note that if you have a business website, it's generally not a good idea to place it on a free web host, since such web hosts frequently close after a while, and tend to come with no support. It's penny wise, pound foolish. Sites that make you money should be placed on commercial web hosts.

Regardless of whether you use a free web host or not, you should consider getting your own domain name. See Is it Possible to Create a Website Without Buying a Domain Name? The High Price of "Free" if you don't know why. For those with their own domain, and want to put it on a free web host, look for the entries below that offer free domain hosting. The latter means that that particular company allows your site to be accessed via your domain instead of their subdomain.

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Free Web Hosts


FreeHostia provides ad-free web hosting for up to 5 domains with 250 MB of data storage, 6 GB of bandwidth, PHP, 1 MySQL database with 10 MB database space, and 3 POP3 email addresses with webmail access, free SSL, password protected directories, hotlink protection, SSI, 1-click web applications installer, etc. There is a file size limit of 500 KB. Note that .htaccess does not work on this web host, so some content management systems (CMS) and blog software may not work correctly.


[Update: this web host is currently not accepting new accounts. At the time I write this, the site says that signups will resume in March 2021.]
This free web host provides you with unmetered bandwidth, the ability to host your own domains (for up to 3) or use their subdomains, a web control panel, PHP, MySQL, .htaccess, FTP access, 1 cron job, email and no advertisements. Disk space is limited to 500MB for personal galleries (I'm not sure what constitutes a "personal gallery" though) containing images and videos, as are Flash arcades, but is otherwise unmetered. You are required to log into your web hosting account panel at least once every 30 days, and if your site is still empty 5 days after signing up, it will be deleted.

200MB Host

This web host has a free web hosting plan that provides you with 1 GB disk space, 5 GB data transfer, free domain hosting, PHP, Perl, FTP, SSI, a MySQL database with 30 MB storage, and 1 email account with POP3 and webmail access. At the time I checked them out, your files are apparently limited to 500 KB in size.


This site provides you with 100 MB of data storage, 3 GB of data transfer, free domain hosting and up to 5 subdomains, 3 POP3/IMAP email addresses with webmail access, free SSL, FTP access, custom error pages, .htaccess overrides, 1 MySQL database with 5 MB storage, Perl, PHP, SSI, web logs and statistics, etc. At the time I wrote this, your scripts are not allowed to send email and files are limited to 500 KB in size.


This free web host provides you with unlimited disk space and monthly transfer, FTP, PHP, unlimited MySQL databases, 5 email addresses, cron, custom error pages, a control panel, etc. You have to use one of their subdomains. Your files are limited to 10 MB in size.


[Update (27 July 2021): this web host is currently moving to a new control panel (Plesk) so you won't be able to log into your account till they complete the move (assuming that they are even accepting new accounts during this period).]
HelioHost provides your site(s) with 1000 MB of disk space, unlimited bandwidth, a control panel, a web installer for many popular website software (including blogs, CMS, etc), unlimited email accounts, unlimited mailing lists, etc. You can host an unlimited number of domains, subdomains and parked domains, or if you don't have your own, you can use one of the subdomains they provide. Although they do not provide any SSL certificate (other than a useless self-signed one), you can install your own, including LetsEncrypt or any other free certificate. Scripting languages supported include PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, etc. Databases provided include MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. You have to log in into your account from their main site at least once every 30 days or your account will be deleted.

Geocities Free Web Hosting (Closed)

Geocities Free is an ad-supported web host that gives your website 15 MB of web space, 3 GB of traffic with a limit of 4.2 MB of traffic per hour, a free web page builder and page wizard, and a URL like You have to upload your pages using their online file manager. You can also add things like a guestbook, counter, etc to your web page. The service is ad-supported. [Update (24 April 2009): It looks like It looks like Geocities is closing down on some unspecified date in 2009. They are no longer accepting new signups. If you are currently hosted on GeoCities, and need a guide to help you move to a new web host, see the tutorial How to Transfer / Move Your Website from GeoCities.] [Update (October 2009): Geocities has now closed.]

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