Free Standalone News Feed Readers and News Aggregators

Subscribe to news feeds and track/monitor updates

Free Offline News Feed Readers and News Aggregators

The free standalone/offline RSS and Atom readers listed below allow you to subscribe to news feeds from various websites, such as's news feed. The readers are desktop applications that will usually automatically update your copy of the newsfeeds according to your schedule. These news aggregators allow you to keep up to date with the latest updates from the sites that you want to monitor.

If you want to keep up to date with the latest articles from, and, copy the following links into your news feed reader. An easy way to do this, is to right-click the blue-underlined words, click "Copy shortcut" (or "Copy link address" or the like, depending on your web browser), and then go to your reader, and paste it into your reader in the appropriate place. Subscribing to my news feeds are free. And no email address or personal information is required.

Incidentally, if you are looking for Usenet newsreaders rather than feed readers, please visit the Free Usenet News Readers page instead. Some email software (such as Thunderbird) will also let you read RSS and Atom feeds.

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Free Standalone News Feed Readers and News Aggregators

NetNewsWire (Mac OS X) New

NetNewsWire is an open source RSS Reader that features starred articles, AppleScript support, a Safari extension so that you can easily add to your list of feeds, single-key keyboard shortcuts, searching, importing and exporting to OPML, multiple accounts, support for RSS, Atom, JSON Feed and RSS-in-JSON, etc. It is released under the MIT License.

RSSGuard (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android)

This is an open source news feed aggregator/reader that features support for all feed formats as well as ATOM and RSS podcasts, a viewer (either using an internal Chromium viewer or a lightweight internal viewer), the ability to import/export your list of feeds to OPML 2.0, parallel downloads of feeds, message filters, metadata fetching including icons, the ability to clean up the internal feed database, a portable mode, etc. The program is licensed under the GNU GPL. (Note for those wondering about the 2 alternative downloads offered for each operating system. Since at the time I write this, there are no explanations given for the difference between them, here's my guess from an examination of the files included: the one that has "nowebengine" in the filename ships with the lightweight internal viewer. The other one ships with the internal Chromium viewer.)

QuiteRSS (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, OS/2)

This is an open source RSS/Atom news feeds reader with a host of features, including, automatic updating of the feeds (on startup or at user-configured intervals), adblock, click-to-play for Flash, the ability to enable/disable images in the news preview, audio or popup notification on receipt of new news items, import/export feeds (OPML-files), show new or unread news in system tray icon, automatic cleanup, etc. It uses Webkit for its browser core. Besides the normal versions for Windows, Mac OS/X, Linux, FreeBSD and OS/2 (yes, OS/2!), there's also a portable Windows version.

Royal::Read RSS (Windows)

This program checks for new RSS and Atom news feeds on startup, as well as at a user-configurable specified intervals. It is able to notify you via the Windows notification tray (also commonly referred to as the system tray) that new posts are available. You can then view it in the reader.

Feed Reader - RSS Platform (Windows, Linux)

This was formerly a commercial RSS news aggregation solution turned free. This news feed reader automatically downloads syndicated web content (that is news feeds) and organizes it in the reader for you. It has filtering facilities as well as the ability for you to create what it calls smart feeds. The latter allows you to enter key words or phrases, and it will check articles for those topics and display them. The reader is also able to automatically download enclosures and podcasts that are attached to articles. There are numerous other features, too many to list here, including those designed for busy people who have just too many feeds to monitor. It supports the use of alternative browsers, like Firefox and Opera, when you click external links, but the display of the newsfeed within the program always uses the default Internet Explorer engine.

RSS Reader - Free Feed Reader for ATOM/RSS News Feed (Windows)

This internet syndication and aggregation software works on Windows and is able to handle both RSS and Atom news feeds. It requires you to have the Microsoft .NET Framework.

AmpetaDesk - Syndicated Aggregator (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

This is an open source syndicated news aggregator for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It supports the use of external browsers when you click external links.

Pears - A Fruity RSS Reader (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

Pears is a three-pane RSS/RDF and Atom newsfeed aggregator that caches downloaded news feeds for offline reading. The cache size is configurable. It has plugin support, read/unread management, support for non-Western encodings, auto-updating of feeds, shortcut keys for most functions besides the usual mouse support, stores everything in plain text (with no registry use in Windows), importing and exporting of feeds using the OPML format, etc. It is an open source program that works under Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. You will need to have a Python installation for your system to run this program.

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