Free Email Forms, Form to Mail Script Hosting

Put a feedback form, contact form, formmail on your site

Free Form to Mail, Email Forms, Contact Form Script Hosting

Put a form on your website that allows your visitors to contact you by simply completing the web form. These free form to mail services (called variously, email form, contact form, feedback form, formmail, mailform, web form, etc) allow you to place such a form on your website without the need to install any Perl or PHP scripts. They even produce the HTML code for you to plug into your site. In exchange, these services usually place advertisements on your "Thank You" page, and some also place advertisements in the messages sent to you by your website visitors.

Alternatively, if you are looking for a PHP script or Perl script which you can place on your site, free of advertisements, you can get a free customized version from Free Contact Form Script Wizard. This is the preferable to using a script hosted by someone else, and should be the route you take if your web host allows you to run PHP scripts, since it gives you complete control over the script. And it's not difficult. Tutorials for how to do this with Expression Web, Dreamweaver, BlueGriffon, KompoZer and other editors can be found on You can even add spam-filtering in the form of a CAPTCHA test to your form.

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Free FormMail, Feedback Form, Form Mail Script Hosting

This service offers a free form for your website in return for banner advertising at the bottom of the form page. Your form will be located on their web server, and you will have to link to It is thus probably less customizable than free web form services that allow you to place the form on your own site. On the other hand, they allow you to redirect your visitors to a "Thank You" page of your choice (on your site). This service does not place your email address in the form hidden fields.

Response-O-Matic and Freedback

With these two services (run by the same company), you design a form that calls their form script. When your visitor clicks on the Submit button on your form, the script will send the contents of the form to you. The message will also be stored on their servers. The last time I checked Freedback, the page your visitors see after they submit their message is filled with so many advertisements that I almost missed the "thank you" statement. The email sent to you by your visitor also contains advertisements inserted by the service.

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